Additional Products
We have many additional products available. If you don’t see what you are looking for don’t hesitate to ask, we will be more than happy to help you.

- Variety of Jerky Sticks
- Regular Extruded jerky
- Extruded Jerky
- Maple Habanero Extruded Jerky
- Regular Pork Jerky
- Regular Beef Jerky
- Sweet & Spicy Beef Jerky
- Mild Beef Jerky
- Honey Peppered Beef Jerky
- Honey Peppered Nuggets
- Honey Peppered Bites

- Variety of Deli Meats
- Deli Trays
- Snack Trays
- Cheese Trays
- French Fries
- Deep Fried Pickles
- Southwestern Cheddar Potatoes
- Perogies
- Campbells Soup
- Butter/Garlic Butter
- Cheeses
- Potato Salad

- Macaroni Salad
- Sausage Casing
- Deli Meat Casings
- Spices
- Dog Bones
- Dog Food
- Bear Bait
- Donuts
- Buns
- Condiments
- Bag Liners
- Freezer Wrap